Full Circle Intelligence Fusion Center Coming in Mid 2017
Today Jigsaw Security announced the creation of our very first fusion center. The fusion center will be built to provide intelligence to Jigsaw Customers, Government and Trusted Third Parties, Law Enforcement and members accepted in our threat intelligence and cyber sharing community. The fusion center will be based on our award winning enterprise platform products and will provide resources as outlined in the spectrum listed below.
Fusion Center Products
Name, Address, Phone Number and Locate Data Sources of those missing, wanted or endangered - Criminal and Missing Persons Product
Credit and Financial Data - Business and Individual Credit and Financial Reporting
Telephone and Reverse Phone Number Discovery, Tracing and Tracking
Utilities and Critical Infrastructure Monitoring and Security
Assets and Stolen Property Database
Court and Public Records Retrieval
Cyber Security Threat Actor Monitoring
Reference, Research Data and Statistics
Open Source OSINT Collection
Intelligence Agency Integration (Capability)
Vessels and Transportation, Travel and Tracking
Aerial Imagery and Satellite Collection
RF and Signals Acquisition, Decoding, Decrypting and Storage
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures and CI Training
Law Enforcement and CE Credit Training and Awareness
The fusion center known as the Full Circle Intelligence Center will be a decentralized, fault tolerant and redundant collection of systems. The actual physical locations of these systems will be in secured locations in the US and other Countries. The main charter of the fusion center will be to provide assistance, assets, resources and tools to aid in the recovery, location or intelligence related to criminal, cyber and technological challenges. More information will be posted soon to address membership, sponsorship and admission to our trusted data resources.
Planned Locations
The main site will be based in Norfolk, Virginia with a backup in Chicago, Illinois. Additional access points and remote access will be provided to authorized organizations that are admitted into the fusion center. Two additional International sites will be located in Tokyo, Japan and Berlin, Germany.
Full Circle Concept
It has become increasingly apparent that Governments, Corporations and Individuals are attacking infrastructure and targeting information that when uncovered can be used to harm adversaries. The Full Circle Intelligence concept is where participants that otherwise would not share data ingest information to the fusion center, the fusion center then normalized and formats the data and ingest the information into multiple storage platforms for analysis, search and retrieval as well as analytic capabilities. In many cases companies have valuable information that can be used to deter criminal activity but do not share that information out of fear of retaliation from threat actors. The goal of bringing all of this data together into one system is to be able to show links between activity that allows subscribers to the center to maintain safety, security and the integrity of proprietary information, their core business, personnel and trade secrets while sharing information that is useful in fighting criminal elements and eliminating threats to organizations by analyzing anonymous information provided to the center from a variety of sensors, human assets and technology.
With advances in technology private companies are now more equipped than ever to protect themselves from threats. Utilizing large datasets and real and near real time information to make critical business and security decisions. Fusions center data submission sources are not shared with subscribers except in very specific circumstances. Data is ingested and reviewed for accuracy and validated prior to being available in the fusion platform.
Fusion Platform Overview
The Fusion platform provides search, alerting, analytics, retrieval, timeline of events, geospatial, signals intelligence, network cyber threat monitoring and other capabilities. Members can be consumers, contributors, integrators or publishers of data or reports. The platform is a new JAAS (Jigsaw As A Service) platform created specifically for use by Government and Private data warehouse applications. The new platform allows rapid statistical decision making based on member needs and allows members to use the data in external resources through advanced API retrieval of data over secured communications, VPN or in person at an authorized access point.
Member Information
Membership into the fusion center will be highly restricted to those organizations with a clear business need for such information. Only those organizations that can provide data to others will be granted access as fusion center members. Industries authorized to join are banking, financial, Government, news and publications, credit and consumer credit companies, telecommunications providers, utilities and critical infrastructure, managed security providers, law enforcement and in some cases state and local Government. The fusion center will be free to access but cost will be shared amongst members equally based on usage. A minimum monthly maintenance fee will be charged for members access into the system to offset the cost of computing hardware, heating and cooling of the facility, telecommunications, on site security and facilities maintenance.
For more information on the Full Circle Fusion Center please contact fsfc@jigsaw-security.com and request a membership packet.