Everyday the Jigsaw Security Enterprise development team gets request from users of our platform for new and innovative ways to extend our platform for their particular use cases. In fact the biggest asset of using our platform is that it will literally work with any other platform and integration takes minutes not days or months.
Such was the case with our newest addition to the capabilities in the Jigsaw Platform an endpoint product called LimaCharlie. Complete integration of this tool literally took less than 20 minutes to complete and is now an option for users wishing to monitor their endpoints for detecting bad actions as they occur on their endpoint assets.
Committed to Open Source
Jigsaw Security has been committed to the open source community. Using mostly all open source with proprietary modules to completely create earth moving capabilities in a single interface. To date these are the open source projects we use or have integrated for our customers.
MISP Malware Information Sharing Platform
Apache NiFi - Ingest
Apache Hadoop - Big Data
Apache Solr Lucene - A lucene data store
Cassandra Lucene - A lucense data store
Elasticsearch, Kibana & Logstash
Kansa - Scripting
Spiderfoot HX - Fingerprinting
LimaCharlie - Endpoint Monitoring
RSS Ingest - For news and current event reference data
OSINTX - An open capture framework for ingesting news, blogs, Facebook and Twitter
Pasterip - A complete pastebin archiving utility
Apache Accumulo - A highly secure data store from the NSA
Safemove - A replication software from SAIC
Threatstream Staxx - A taxii server implementation from Anomali
Lexis Nexis AI - An AI module from Lexis Nexis for Crime Data
Ubiquiti Wireless Product UI's (Not open source but free)
Wikipedia - Including Wikimedia for local copies of Wikipedia
And so much more. These are the major open source projects we have used