The following courses are now available in the Jigsaw University.
Course content is being updated nearly daily so that we can provide a comprehensive training option for all areas of cyber security, physical security and courses that are approved by various organizations. These courses will form the basis of the overall protection planning of your organization and help you make sense of a rapidly changing threats that we are facing in the security space. These courses are free for all current Jigsaw Security customers and partners.
Currently Available Courses of Study
Deep Dive Cyber Threats
Executives TSCM Overview
Introduction to Elasticsearch
Introduction to the Jigsaw Firstwatch Sensor
Jigsaw Protection Model - Level 1
Jigsaw Security Insider Threat
Using Jigsaw Threat Intelligence
Coming Soon - Courses of Study
Jigsaw Protection Model - Level 2
Jigsaw Protection Model - Level 3
Jigsaw Protection Model - Level 4
These courses are free for Jigsaw customers. Students can take the courses at your own pace without charge. Additional courses for the Jigsaw Protection Model level 2 through 4 should be completed by the end of the year.
We will continue to keep our clients, partners and team advised when new course material is being released. If you wish to be enrolled in any of these course, please email the SOC and request access.