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Ankle Monitoring Services Available


Just this month Jigsaw Security launched the Jigsaw GPS service. This service provided by Jigsaw Security allows tracking of cell phones, GPS devices, vehicles and more utilizing low cost devices or build in GPS with software.

Jigsaw Security has not launched the Ankle Monitoring capability of our GPS server product to begin testing of GPS devices used in the judicial systems. Our service allows continual tracking, alerting and notification for when a subject violates the conditions of release.

Ankle Monitors are priced at $139 per unit with a $20 activation fee. Ankle monitors only need to be activate one time and can be reused upon termination of monitoring of a subject saving law enforcement resources and keeping cost low.

Tracking Subject Movement with an Ankle Monitor (5 Minute Updates)

Service starts at $28 per month per ankle monitor with bulk pricing available. While researching Jigsaw Security noted that the average rate for Ankle Monitoring was very expensive. Because we have our own agreements with telecommunications companies we can offer this service at a substantial savings. In many cases the subject of monitor has to pay for their own monitoring as a condition for release.

For more information on this service email or talk to your sales representative.

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