Norfolk, Virginia - Jigsaw Security has signed onto the UAS Integration Pilot Program (UAS IPP) interested parties list. For those of you not familiar with the UAS IPP, the FAA is looking to partner with industry to be able to test the next generation capabilities and to determine how to best integrate UAS into the national airspace system.
It is in the best interest of industry to have partners work to define how to best use and integrate UAS into the national airspace in a safe and efficient manner. The program is being used to determine the rules of the road for unmanned operations and to see how best to utilize this emerging technology.
As of today over 1922 parties have shown interest in participating in the program which may lay the ground work for companies such as Amazon to finally see delivery by unmanned aircraft, food delivery as well as safety of life technology use.
If you are a commercial drone operator and would like to join Jigsaw Security's flight team please email soc@jigsaw-security.com. Include your name, company name, phone number and the type of UAS you utilize as well as your experience level. We will begin working as a team in January and begin submitting reports in February of 2018.
Test reports and additional information will be posted to the Jigsaw knowledge site.
UAS Training and Certification
Jigsaw Security will being our UAS in Public Safety course in 2018. In addition we will be offering a UAS Certification course as part of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Private Protective Services Board. The goal is to provide training courses that will apply for CE credits for those PPSB certified parties to get continuing education credit for taking the course and certification. For more information email training@jigsaw-security.com or call 800-447-2150 Ext. 6.