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Jigsaw Security’s New Threat Mitigation Model for Cyber Security

Jigsaw Security Press Office

(Norfolk, VA) Jigsaw Security has released their new Jigsaw Threat Mitigation Model. This model brings together threats from multiple environments into one protection model. The Jigsaw model encompasses six phases to cover multiple vector attacks. The phases of the model are Personnel and Insider Threat, Intelligence Collection and Application, Physical Controls, Cyber Security Controls, Counter Operations and Audit and documentation. Jigsaw applications enable an organization to cover all these phases providing a comprehensive security program covering the full spectrum of threats.

The Jigsaw Security suite of products to include our FirstWatch sensor detects signature-based threats and non-signature-based threats using advanced analytics and crowd sharing of incident data as we have found IOC (Indicators of Compromise) to be stale and not very useful for actually providing protection. In addition to our FirstWatch sensor, our patented methodology known as the JIgsaw Threat Mitigation Model allows us to map our security services to standards such as NIST or the DHS CDM models without changing how we approach security issues.

For more information on how Jigsaw Security provides a standard and consistent method of disrupting threats you can visit our website at to speak with an engineer.

Media Contact: Security Operations 800-447-2150 Ext. 6 or via email

Distribution: PR Newswire, Media Direct Contacts & Jigsaw Security Enterprise Blog, Jigsaw Security News Roku Channel

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