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Security Operations Team

Stay Safe Out There...

We wanted to put out some information to our customers and subscribers and let you all know that you can leverage the resources of Jigsaw Security during the Hurricane/Tropical Storm activity that has been primarily focused in the Carolina's the past several days. There are many roads that are flooded and many transportation related issues that have made travel in North Carolina and major I-95 corridors hazardous or impassable.

Monitoring at the SOC

During this event and through many other events the Jigsaw Security Operations Center utilizes many resources to protect critical infrastructure of our customer and clients. As many of you know, Jigsaw Security partners with State and Federal Government to ensure that critical systems remain online and operational. During this recent event we are happy to say that we had zero impact to our services and communications systems. We realize that many of our customers may be affected by weather related issues and want our customers to know that if they need assistance they can call the SOC at 800-447-2150 Ext. 6 to request support. The following services are available to our customers.

Available Assistance

Search and Rescue*

Emergency Communications (via FCC License WQVC235 WiMAX services)**

Emergency Transport (Weather dependent) via Air (Non Commercial Volunteer)

Emergency Food and Water

* May require coordination with Federal, State and Local Authorities for Approval

** May take up to 24 hours to get approvals through the FCC for deployment

We realize that some customers are without Internet and connectivity at this time. To get emergency communications services up and running you can make your request by email or by calling us at our normal number and selecting Extension 6 which is our Security and Operations teams.

While we were fortunate to not have any issues during this event, we were able to test our emergency out of band communications as well as abnormal operating procedures. We also have opened up our assistance to non customers on a first come first served basis. Please call us if you are in need of assistance. As always please call 911 and or your local authorities for emergencies.

If you would like to volunteer to assist with the recovery in North Carolina and/or South Carolina, please email the SOC or call us. Additional information will be sent out should the situation change. We realize that many waterways are predicted to reach flood levels in the next 24 to 48 hours and will continue monitoring the situation.

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